Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Kaleidoscopic Breath of Life

Doctor Andrew Weil is a mind/body Harvard trained MD.
In his breathing exercises CD he speaks of "allowing the universes" to breathe in and draw out your breath.

The first time I listened to this CD exercise, I thought of Genesis 1. I visualized Michelangelo's magnificent Sistine chapel's ceiling---"God's right arm is outstretched to impart the spark of life from his own finger into that of Adam..." (The Creation of Adam- Wikipedia).

Then I turn back to Genesis 2:7 "the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being" (NIV).

Is it not true that God has breathed life into us at our birth and continues to do so for our entire life?

At 90, I need to remind myself that when Dr. Weil's says "It is the universe that is breathing into and out of- you" I whisper to the CD, "No, no. It is God."

Then one Passover, the Holy Spirit seemed to whisper, "Also remember that our beloved Pope John Paul the 2nd, breathed heartfelt life into the painful history of antisemitism. His unforgettable journeys to the synagogue in Rome and his epic journey of re-lighting of the eternal flame at Yad Vashem, the memorial to the six million Jews who lost their breath of life in the Holocaust."

Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Kaleidoscopic Free Government Service for the Visually or Physically Impaired

Today I am blessed with a digital Talking Book machine and if you or a loved one suffers from low vision, has a disability, or are blind, you are eligible, at absolutely no cost, to receive on loan a digital Talking Book player, as well as Talking Book cartridges, along with 850,000 readers who benefit from this marvelous, free program.

By contacting the appointed library in your area, you will receive full information about the program:


To find out about your eligibility or other questions call: 1-888-657-7323
The Talking Book counselor will patiently question you, as to your choice of reading materials, books, magazines, or braille. Or you can choose titles (320,000-books in many languages, including Spanish) During your  conversation about your interests, you can request selections from a book catalog or the counselor can select books or titles that reflect your requests and interests. For example, music, theology, nature, etc...

***These services are also for U.S Citizens abroad***

Book cartridges used in the Talking Book player are mailed, free of postage coming and going, and the cartridges may be loaned for six weeks or longer at your request.

The NLS (National Library Service) celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2011, with a readership of more than 850,000! I feel this no-charge program is a gift from God and the government of our democratic country.

Available accessories:
*Amplifier for readers with a significant hearing loss
*Headphones for readers in nursing homes and hospitals (where speakers are not permitted)
*Pillow speaker (for readers who are confined to bed)

This article is but a a grain of sand on the beach of unlimited possibilities for all who suffer disabilities. I have personally benefited and would like to refer to two recent Talking Books that I requested, that are now in my top 10 for this year:



*** As a convert to Catholicism from Judaism, I am inspired and grateful to Keller, an Evangelical Christian, who so skillfully and devotedly has taught me in depth with scholarly references to the social justice teachings of the Old and New Testaments.***

Friday, February 15, 2013

Three Words That Can Heal Conflict


I saw them years ago, those three words, in the library of a convent.They appeared on a lovely banner, they spoke to my heart, as well as my mind. I never forgot them.

Their application lay dormant in me, until I heard a radio program in which a protestant minister, a professor of homiletics, asked his seminarian students, "What are the most important three things to include in a sermon?"

The seminarians offered a variety of Biblical teachings. They then asked the professor, "What three things would you include?" His answer still sings in my heart, "Be kind, be kind, be kind." Suffice to say, I never forgot that either.

But it was the other morning, with Lent approaching, that the Holy Spirit seemed to inspire and challenge me.       
 How to promote the use of those three words into a multicultural project?

Yes, to start with a prayer that will ripple beyond our most hope filled dreams. How do we start?

To my good fortune, my friend Jean in Florida told me about her granddaughter who is a beautiful teacher of young children in Latin America. She will recommend that the phrase "Kindness Spoken Here" be exposed in classrooms, synagogues, churches, mosques, even gymnasiums.

I just learned that Ann, a dear friend of mine is flying to Australia to be with her sick son. While there I'm asking her to spread these three words wherever and whenever she can.  In addition, my beloved Nigerian nun friends, Sister Mary Paul and Sister Philomena, as well as my sponsors in the School Sisters of Notre Dame, who teach in Africa, will share the "Kindness Spoken Here" message.

Finally, my teacher friends in the United Sates are enthusiastic about the possibilities of children's creative artwork, interpreting those beautiful words, "Kindness Spoke Here." More than just the words of course, the impact, the warmth, oh the comfort.

 I also see these three words enveloped in a Pentecostal hue, a time when people of many different languages heard the same message. How kaleidoscopic is that?! It is my deepest prayer that these three words will ripple across the valleys and mountains, across the borders that divide, rather than this blessing that heals.

My dear readers, how about commenting and contributing your ideas for application of these blessed words, in your setting and context. I can't wait to hear from you.

Peace- Ruth