Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dialogic Fruit For Thought

Reflections at sunrise-

When the Light shines through the prism of our minds and hearts, a rainbow of wonder appears------
Possibilities, here to for, revealed by doubt; become mustard seeds of hope...
Radiating the miracle of faith. Amen. RWG


 "There's A Holy In There!"

Years before my conversion to Catholicism, I wondered how children of differing faiths viewed nuns. I was given permission to visit Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish children at church and temple in their religious classes.

Sarah, a Jewish girl said, "Nuns are sisters to everyone."
Joseph, a Catholic bog, referring to the convent, said, "There's a Holy in there!"
Beth, a Protestant girl, shook her head, yes; and agreed with the other two.

I had not thought of those children's assessments for years. Recently, I viewwed an exquisite TV Mass on the Feast of the  Immaculate Conception at the National Basilica in Washington, D.C. Suddenly, a mental replay of the children's responses came to my mind, as a gift from the Holy Spirit.

On this of all days, the celebration of our beloved Mary's Immaculate Conception (the Holy Spirit) prompted me to see Mary's procreative womb in a holy light. Her womb as a cradle of co-creation with God (the Holy Spirit) as the cradle of Jesus/God/Man. A mysterious miracle! Currenty I believe that all mother's pregnant wombs as cradles of co-creation.

So yes, Joseph, in the convent and in the womb, there is a holy in there! When you get older, you can learn more about what I call a sacred recycle. Science has explained miraculous parts of the pregnancy miracle...the umbilical cord blood...stem cells. These can be used to treat certain diseases at Children's memorial Hospital in Chicago and other research labs here and abroad.

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