Friday, May 10, 2013

Good Dialogue Is....You Choose

Dialogue is the sign language
of the heart

Dialogue is a home
where hope lives

Good dialogue is
gentleness made audible

Dialogue teaches
that all human tears
are without color

Dialogue is the hub
of human experience
not the brake

Dialogue is not "us and them;"
it is WE.

Good dialogue echoes like the music of peace

Good dialogue
radiates from
the affirming heart

Dialogue is not having to win
nor choosing to lose

Good dialogue is
the ocean and the mountain-
the music of our
mental landscape

Dialogue is a journey
not a conclusion

Dialogue is a gift from God--
pass it forward

Dialogue with the Divine
is the fruit of silence

Dialogue is an RX
for sick hearts

Dialogue is not black and white
red or grey;
It is the sun rising on a new day

Dialogue is like love-
the more the better

Good dialogue can transform
 strangers into friends

Dialogue is grandparents telling
"when I was young" stories
and grandchildren turning off TV
to listen

Dialogue is the search that
transcends self
the hope that heals divisiveness

Prayerful dialogue
is the still small voice (Elijah)
that whispers "peace"
in the midst of conflict

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