Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Help For the Visually Impaired or Blind

Dear Readers,

 It is because of  my positive experiences that I offer help for those struggling with low vision or blindness.

My first experience with the organization titled "SECOND SENSE: Beyond Vision Loss," took place many years ago when I read to the blind. At that time the organization was titled "The Catholic Guild for the Blind." Recently they have joined "Second Sense" and the following is a glimpse of why I recommend them. Their services are free of charge. They offer at their office in Chicago: Support groups, daily living class, cooking, dining, crafts, handwriting, and telephone counseling. There is no charge for their services and they also give presentations to various community centers, recreation centers, suburban libraries, and in the heart of Chicago. To contact them:
 Phone: 312-326-8569
Website: www.second/sense.org
Follow "Second Sense" on Facebook and Twitter
Second Sense Office and Consumer Product Center: Hours: Mon-Fri. 8:30 AM- 4:30 PM

Do find out about their Braille transcriptions and all other aids to those with low vision.

My second recommendation is a quarterly magazine, published in Salem, Oregon. The magazine titled "Dialogue" is published by Blindskills, Inc.
Phone: 800-860-4224
Address: Dialogue PO Box 5181 Salem, OR 97304-0181
E-mail: info@blindskills.com
Website: www.blindskills.com

Subscription $20 for e-mail, and $35 for all other formats. A sample issue is available, free of charge.

In addition to marvelously inspiring articles, by writers with low vision or the blind, there are four pages titled "What's New and Where to Get It;" critiques of the various products and devices for the visually impaired.  These are marvelous descriptions of the aid of several publications and organizations that help blind children, as well as people of all ages. For example, G.W Micro is marketing "Read Easy Move." A portable device that scans and verbalizes print documents in a single operation. There is much more to learn by examining these detailed descriptions of products and services.

One example of a religious sponsored project for the blind is the Lutheran Blind Missions in Jacksonville, Florida:
Phone: 888-215-2455

With prayerful, good wishes,


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