Sunday, March 3, 2013

Weeping Together Towards Healing

 A priest once said, "Love thy enemies is one on the most impossible commandments imaginable...only with the grace of God can we do that."

Years ago, one morning after Mass, I noticed a woman sitting bowed in sorrow. I decided to approach her. I told her that I felt she was experiencing pain, and that I would pray for her. Her gratitude was immediate. In time I learned that Gertrude was a cancer survivor. She was also of German birth. She expressed a deep love of and trust in Jesus. She referred to the scriptural promise that the pain of this life is as nothing compared with the joy in store for us in heaven.

The following week, I was very troubled. Gertrude took my hand and prayed for me. We sat together and shared stories of our lives. I told Gertrude that I was a convert to Catholicism from Judaism. We prayed together, then with tearful confession, I admitted that I could hardly speak with a German since the Hitler Holocaust. In tears, Gertrude spoke of fearing to approach Jews; fearing that they would hate her, though neither she nor her family had participated in the Nazi horror.

We sat holding hands, weeping together -Creating a bridge of healing - A healing of heart; of hope.

As I drove home, I dreamed of a time when the people of Bosnia, Ireland, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East, victims and victimizers, could sit, hold hands, and weep together.

Perhaps then we could all begin to be cleansed of guilt and lack of forgiveness. Perhaps then we could finally promise each other- "never again."

Today as I reflect upon that meeting I go to our blessed Mother Mary and ask her, "Was Gertrude in my meetings by chance?" ---Is any significant meeting not arranged by the Holy Spirit? ---

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