Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sowing The Symbolism

           When setting the table, do not forget to include a place setting and empty chair for Elijah. We welcome his presence by sending an adult and child to open our front door and welcome our beloved Elijah's presence at our table. As to some of the ceremonial foods during the Seder's of my life as a Jew we made a "Seder-Sandwich;" take two pieces of matzo, place grated fresh horseradish (symbolizing the bitter in life) on the matzo, add charoses (a mixture of finely chopped apples, nuts, little wine, cinnamon, some also add honey-optional-*Symbolizes the sweet in life) on top of the horseradish. Complete the sandwich with the other piece of matzo. Go for it! 

The roasted shank bone represents the sacrificial lamb.    
The Karpas, either parsley, salad or lettuce, represents spring time, freshness.
The hard boiled egg symbolizes life and reverence for life.
Also, there is a little dish of salt water for each participant which reminds us of the years of tears- the enslaved Israelites. We dip our parsley as a cleansing of renewal and hope for rebirth, in reaching the Promised Land.

Finally, two of my favorite Rabbinic stories are the following,  During the Seder meal, we are told to drink four cups of wine, with a prayerful blessing for each. But an ancient Rabbinc story tells of God's instructions for us to dip our spoons into the wine and extract some of the wine-symbol of joy-because God reminds the Isrealites that the Egyptians are also His children and they are drowding, so we are to decrease the amount of our wine-the symbol of joy, ie. love thy enemy. When the Israelites finally reached the Promised Land they burst out into glorious song but God said, "Lower your voices, for the egyptians are also my children and they are dying." The rabbis conclude that Jewish music should hence forth be written in the minor key (which it often is today).

After the dinner we sing "Dayenu" (It would have been enough)
It would've been enough if God created the sun.
It would've been enough if God created the moon.
It would've been enough if God created man and woman.
The song continues to list God's gracious gifts to us  and concludes with our loving gratitude to God. 

Note: On my bathroom mirror "It is better to do something imperfectly, than to do nothing flawlessly."  Really going to apply to the above.

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